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Inside the network - Materially

Materially, with the fuorisalone, passes the resilience test

The health emergency first postponed and then cancelled the Salone del Mobile 2020.

All postponed to 2021 when, for the first time, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, Workplace3.0, S.Project and the SaloneSatellite will also be held in the same week. In addition to the biennials of the sector such as Euroluce (already scheduled in 2021), EuroCucina and the International Bathroom Exhibition.

The entire made in Italy furniture chain, gathered on a single extraordinary stage.

Even the Design Week, the so-called Fuorisalone, which takes place in the various districts and neighborhoods of the city and which last year welcomed 500 thousand visitors from over 180 countries, therefore this year will not crowd streets and showrooms.

But thanks to Fuorisalone.it, the carousel of events and corollary initiatives at the Salone, passes the resilience test and proposes an unprecedented experiment: the virtual Milan Design Week.


An event to be visited in streaming from 15th to 21st June 2020, with presentations, concerts, talks and exhibitions.

A video showcase for all companies and brands that will still want to present their products and ideas in a sort of off event.

Today, in fact, with the support of the Municipality of Milan, the Fuorisalone.it portal offers a great off-line, live event.

A showcase dedicated to the previews of the numerous companies that, despite the stop of production activities, are already well advanced with the creation of the products that they should have presented at the Salone, and with which they will now have to supply showrooms and shops all over the world.

A restart that must rely completely on digital channels.

Materially also decided to be the protagonist of this original experience.

Materially, thanks to its expertise distilled in the mission – All about materials – will be a partner of the Fuorisalone.it platform, for which it will take care of and coordinate the area dedicated to innovation of materials. We are setting up a unique virtual container, dedicated to the promotion and presentation of new products and new projects.

A HUB designed to create that virtuous relationship between brands, professionals and the public, characteristic of its experience gained over the years, historically staged in the Materials Village, now put online, with Materially Inside The Network.


For info and partecipation: 

>> Materially Inside The Network presentation in Italiano

>> Materially Inside The Network  presentation in English

>>contact Federica PastonesiSpecial Project&Events Manager

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