GRETE’s adventure has come to an end: it has been a great journey!
This is it: last April 30, the GRETE project came to its official conclusion. It is not easy to summarize the last 4 years in a short article, especially since a lot has happened in the last few weeks and some work is still ongoing.
After the highly successful final event at the Cellulose Fibers Conference 2023 in Cologne, the consortium organized a public webinar to share the project results with 59 participants. The 2-hour webinar was open to project stakeholders and anyone eager to learn about the sustainable production of man-made cellulosic fibers. The five presentations given by various members of the consortium provided an overview of the different research strands investigated through GRETE and the main results obtained. In addition, a number of interactive question-and-answer sessions and surveys enabled participants to get first-hand information and answers from GRETE experts.
In addition to these latest joint activities, individual consortium partners had the opportunity to further disseminate the results of the international collaboration: in particular, in late March, Ilkka Kilpeläinen of the University of Helsinki gave an invited lecture on “Organic Superbases and Salts for Biomass Processing” at the ACS Spring Meeting 2023 a Indianopolis, n Indianopolis, USA. While Materially promoted GRETE during Milan Design Week 2023 by presenting the physical samples to a very large audience through the Vivarium exhibition in the heart of the Brera Design District, as well as explaining the project’s goals and achievements in a panel talk dedicated to biobased materials.
The conclusion of the project activities also includes reporting on the scientific communication and dissemination activities carried out during the entire project duration: the GRETE project has resulted in three dissertations, five peer-reviewed publications as well as a number of manuscripts that are still in preparation or under review. As they are published, the project website, which collects all scientific publications in the section dissemination results and public project outputs.
In addition, Materially, the team in charge of GRETE’s communication, is proud to summarize the great achievements by saying that the sum of the dissemination activities – presenting the GRETE project to the scientific community and the biobased industry, but also to stakeholders in the textile and fashion industry, and in general to an audience interested in sustainable materials innovation – far exceeds the consortium’s initial estimates. And to close project activities with fireworks we share with enormous pleasure that the photo submitted to the CBE JU Photocompetition 2023 has been declared the winner in the category “details of project results.”
Do you do applied research in the area of materials and made in Italy? Do you need a funded project partner with expertise in knowledge transfer, science and non-science dissemination, and stakeholder engagement? Materially’s EU projects team has a proven track record.
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