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StoneOak - Materially

StoneOak® a precious wood with a thousand-year-old history

Zanusolegno is the workshop of ultra-natural woods where materials are processed and enhanced with skilful care.

StoneOakStoneOak – Image curtesy of ZANUSOlegno

Among these, the logs of StoneOak® slipped under the ground after landslides and upheavals of the surface forest and remained wrapped and protected under layers of clay and thus naturally preserved for centuries up to today. These trees have not been felled, but recovered from the subsoil and, based on the areas of origin (that causes their hardness and workability), they are cut and slow-dried to counteract the effects of the long stay in contact with water. The anaerobic environment has inhibited the development of microorganisms protecting and isolating the wood forever, thus preventing the otherwise inexorable process of slow degradation. The colors of this wood can be quite irregular, ranging from light gray to dark yellow and deep black. The recovery areas are in Central Europe and Asia and at each excavation carbon-14 dating is carried out to obtain precise data. Certifications are available on request.

Thanks to skillful workmanship, StoneOak® is now available for architects and designers who want to realize furniture with natural materials that bring extra value to their projects.

Stoneoak sculturaImage curtesy of ZANUSOlegno

ZANUSOlegno is a member of Materially Selection, a selected network of specialty operators in the fields of advanced materials, sustainable innovation and materials for the circular economy.
Contact us to apply.