MISE-funded projects on emerging technologies are underway
Among the projects financed by Mise as part of the support program for emerging technologies is that promoted by AGID which sees the first pilot territory in the city of Ivrea.
One of the projects awarded by Mise and promoted by AGID consists in the creation of a platform for the management of “intelligent communities“, to be developed initially in the city of Ivrea, selected as a pilot territory, but also replicable on other realities.
It is a trend to create platforms capable of re-connecting local communities that is catching on and that as Smart City Milan we have already faced by presenting Ecosteer.
The novelty, in this case, lies in the development of a Smart cities-as a service (Scaas) model, aimed at optimizing the provision of existing public services, introducing some principles of behavioral economy (reward system for the adoption of behavior virtuous citizens) and participatory governance (eVoting and crowdfunding).
The idea is precisely to reward the citizen’s active participation in the social, cultural and political life of the territory, through tokens, in this case one of the first national virtual currency ecosystems (Ivrea-Coin), through which the citizen can purchase both the services provided by the administration and, possibly, those offered by the SMEs involved.
However, the opportunity offered by enabling technologies, blockchain, AI and IoT, which aim to make the services provided more efficient and easier to manage, lies at the basis of this reward mechanism.
Obviously, the idea is to create a small laboratory with Ivrea, historically very close to technological innovation (from Olivetti to the more recent Arduino) on which to graft a series of solutions and practices that can then be scaled not only at a national level.
In the view of the promoters, the aim of the project, perhaps a little utopian, is to replicate the “Olivetti” philosophy towards its employees, to all citizens, identifying a landscape community.