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Spaziocontinuo®, Litokol resins
With SpazioContinuo®, continuous surfaces become matter in its purest state, transforming the space and expanding the forms and volumes of any environment.
In the Litokol project, matter, colours, research and creativity come together to give life to original and unique spaces: it is therefore possible to speak of applied art.
Hence the intuition to combine the Spaziocontinuo® project with a genuine example of applied art able to best express the values of Italian creativity, history and culture: scenic painting.
Just like that which occurs in scenic painting, with Spaziocontinuo surfaces becomes the scenes of a very special stage: the environments in which we live.
Rinaldo Rinaldi from Modena, famous scenic designer throughout the world for having created extraordinary scenic designs for some of the most renowned theatres, designed a palette of 27 nuances for Spaziocontinuo® that represents a colour scheme of 3 shades of neutral colours and 4 pastel colours.
Spaziocontinuo® is divided in three macro-families of water flexible and eco-friendly decorative systems:
- Wall &Floor: two/three-component epoxy products, water flexible for floors and walls
- Interior Wall: products based on special synthetic resins, water flexible; ready to use for walls
- Total Look: enamel water-based polyurethane resin which, thanks to its versatility, allows to obtain a total look effect
Spaziocontinuo® products are eco-friendly with “zero risk” designed to ensure the personal well-being thanks to Zherorisk® technology, a project conducted by Litokol R&D department in collaboration with external research institutes.