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FILIPPA NERA indossato

MARM MORE: wearabale marble

In the textile sector it has never been used, if not as an aesthetic inspiration, through prints that reproduce the veins of the stone.

MARM \ MORE is an innovative patented material that made marble wearable: it is made with real marble powder applied onto natural, artificial or synthetic textiles, and combines technical performance with aesthetical characteristics.

FILIPPA NERA indossatoImage curesy of Fili Pari

Waterproof, breathable, wind-proof and abrasion resistant, it is a microfilm coating that uses marble to impart natural colours to textiles, in addition to a soft, pleasant hand thanks to calcium carbonate.

The marble powder used by Fili Pari is a by-product resulting from marble extraction, cutting and processing. Items with different base fabrics are offered, favoring natural and recycled fabrics. The collection combines aesthetics and technical performance and is suitable for various application fields: apparel, footwear and interior design and decoration.

MARM/MORE is also featured in Bentley Home’s 2021 collection.

FILI PARI is an innovative start up focused on the research and development of unconventional materials for the textile industry. The company has developed cutting-edge technologies for the enhancement of marble powders, aimed at designing new innovative and performing materials.

VIRNA NERA still life retro 2Image curesy of Fili Pari

FILI PARI è una start up innovativa focalizzata sulla ricerca e lo sviluppo di materiali non convenzionali per l’industria tessile. L’azienda ha sviluppato tecnologie all’avanguardia per la valorizzazione delle polveri di marmo, finalizzate alla progettazione di nuovi materiali innovativi e performanti.