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Filo - Materially

FILO 2021: 3D printing to design color in fashion


Autumn 2021 saw the restart of the events in presence also in the fashion sector. The last event of the Milan Fashion Week is Filo, the international exhibition of yarns and fibers for orthogonal and circular knitting weaving promoted by the Biella textile district.

FILO P1099786Image courtesy of FILO

In addition to the numerous exhibitors, the event presents a rich trend area where exhibitors showcase their latest products, and a table dedicated to the color trends developed by Gianni Bologna. Starting from these color cards, Materially proposed an interpretation of the yarn through advanced additive manufacturing technologies by creating, in collaboration with Dyloan, the Creative Recharge installation.


The twenty-eight colors are applied to knit-like swatches, while the four color cards have become the inspiration for as many pieces with three-dimensional reliefs and configurations capable of simulating original textile and chromatic effects. All printed with Pantone-validated Stratasys technology, with microscopic layer resolution and accuracy down to 0.014mm, which can produce super-thin walls and complex geometries.

The installation aims to be a reflection on how technologies designed for different sectors can integrate with fashion by providing tools for rapid prototyping, reducing costs, time, consumption of materials and, ultimately, the environmental impact.


Also art projects at FILO are proposed by Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto: a large installation, a suspended Third Paradise, which comes to life with the involvement of the visitor; and the presentation, as part of the “Confrontation Dialogues”, of the philosophy and objectives of the “Awake!” project, which aims to raise awareness for a more sustainable fashion with the involvement of B.E.S.T. – Bio Ethical Sustainable Trend.

terzo paradiso copyFili fantasia, Città dell’arte