

Xilema® is a family of wood flooring from recovered old dead trees from Slavonia forests.
These are plants, often with strange shapes, that have fallen spontaneously and not been cut down; if left in situ, they would biodegrade, releasing CO2.
Garbelotto recovers and restores them to make wooden floors featuring a particular texture due to the natural discharge of the sap.
The advantage for the environment is double: keeping woods clean facilitating natural reforestation, and giving the material a second life.

Parchettificio Garbelotto
Via Mescolino, 12
31012 Cappella Maggiore (TV) Italy
Phone +39 0438 580348


Parchettificio Garbelotto is a love story for wood and its manufacturing lasting almost seventy years. In 1950 Giacomo Garbelotto turned his sawmill into a wooden floor production site. Since then, focus on innovation, 100% made in Italy products, and compliance with Europeans CE regulations have made Garbelotto an international player in the production of certified, reliable and resistant wooden floors suitable for the bioconstruction industry.
11.01. - 14.01.2024
Exhibition Grounds, Hannover | Germany