

Renycle® is a nylon 6 yarn obtained from mechanical recycling of RadiciGroup’s production and post-industrial waste. It is a highly valued material with excellent resistance, softness and versatility.

Renycle® recycling process:

  1. Scraps from standard nylon production are collected and sorted.
  2. Through recycling and recovery, production scrap is converted into polymers (polymerization) and extruded.
  3. Renycle® is then spun into yarn with technical performance characteristics that are perfect for textile flooring. The yarn could be also solution-dyed, a technology that allows saving water and energy in order to avoid subsequent dyeing steps, allowing to save water and energy.
Via Ugo Foscolo, 152, 24024 Gandino BG – Italy
Phone +39 035 715411
RadiciGroup is one of the most active Italian chemical manufacturers at an international level. RadiciGroup’s diversified businesses operate worldwide and are focused on: Specialty Chemicals, High Performance Polymers, Advanced Textile Solutions. Synergistic vertical integration, of polyamide production in particular, is one of RadiciGroup’s strengths. Indeed, the Group has total control over its production chain, from chemical intermediates, such as adipic acid, to polyamides 6 and 6.6, engineering polymers and synthetic yarn.
11.01. - 14.01.2024
Exhibition Grounds, Hannover | Germany