
Husks-based Plaster

A family of plaster mortars obtained by mixing natural mineral raw materials, such as clay, aerial lime and natural hydraulic lime, with agricultural waste from rice cultivation, such as husk and chaff, deriving from the husking and winnowing of paddy rice.

This is an agricultural waste typical of the Biella area, where Ricehouse is based.

The use of these natural raw materials leads to carbon sequestration, the absence of volatile organic substances and formaldehyde and a consequent reduction in indoor pollution as the husk is able to actively absorb CO2 from the air present inside the building structures.

Via G. Cantono, 23
13811 Andorno Micca (BI) Italy
Phone +39-015 82 83 576


Ricehouse Benefit Corporation began its journey as a startup in 2016 with the goal of creating a positive impact on society by promoting responsible change. Through her twenty years of architectural experience Tiziana Monterisi, co-founder and CEO, set up this project together with Alessio Colombo, geologist, COO and co-founder. Solely using natural materials, Ricehouse products range from insulation materials to base plasters, screeds and subfloors, finishings, cladding systems and more.
11.01. - 14.01.2024
Exhibition Grounds, Hannover | Germany